Doctor Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière
Nace en París, Francia, el 18 de enero de 1916. A los 12 años le otorgan el premio "Ernest Rousille" como el mejor alumno de Europa. A los 14 años comienza sus estudios universitarios y es absorbido por la índole concreta de éstos. En el año 1935 obtiene el título de Ingeniero de Minas y, posteriormente se gradúa como Arquitecto, en Bruselas (Bélgica). Luego alcanza doctorados en diversas áreas del saber como Medicina, Ciencias, Psicología, Teología, Filosofía y Ciencias Sociales
El 18 de febrero de 1947 funda la Agrupación Mundial de Cosmobiología.
Se destaca también en el Arte como pintor que muestra en sus obras un conjunto simultáneo de diversos significados unidos entre sí, para una época en que los valores implican una síntesis y, a la vez, un sintagma. Ha sido declarado por la crítica de arte como un incomparable pintor.
Recorre incansablemente los cinco continentes visitando 43 países, estableciendo sus altos ideales de Ciencia, Arte, Filosofía y Didáctica para la concepción de una nueva humanidad dando más de 2500 conferencias.
Establece la Sede de la FISS en el Club l'Artistique, un centro de arte, lleno de celebridad en la década de los años 50 en Niza en forma acorde con su planteamiento trascendental y adelantado a su tiempo de unión de Ciencia y Arte en una epistemología de la vida y para la comprensión.
Dejando planteadas las proyecciones de la Institución Mundial por él fundada, tiene lugar su deceso el 27 de diciembre de 1962. Su discípulo predilecto, el Dr. David Juan Ferriz Olivares, continuó su labor por la Ciencia en su sentido ilimitado del saber en las Fundaciones inspiradas en su pensamiento, como la Fundación FISS Central Científica, la Fundación INVESCIENCIAS y la Fundación ELIC, así como la Asociación para la Preservación de la Obra del Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière en Europa (con sede en Niza, Francia).
A través de las fundaciones antes mencionadas para miles de personas en toda América, Europa y otros continentes, sus grandes aportes han representado un cambio fundamental en su vida, desde la alimentación, la Cultura Psicofísica, sus planteamientos de avanzada a través de los cuatro pilares del Saber, para la familia, la niñez, el hombre de Pensamiento, los artistas y en general para la humanidad, quedando explicado su Pensamiento gracias ala alta preparación científica, académica, espiritual de su Exégeta el Dr. David Juan Ferriz Olivares.
"En fin, en la industria, en la agricultura, en la investigación biológica, las perspectivas de una nueva ciencia se perfilan claramente y en un próximo porvenir, se puede esperar ver una nueva forma de educación general. "Esto nos hace volver a la reflexión filosófica, pues toda nueva información científica plantea un nuevo problema, en principio, sobre las consideraciones vitales".
Propósitos Psicológicos, Volumen I, Tomos I al VI, pág. 151, Hacia una Edad de Paz
Doctor David Juan Ferriz Olivares
Nace el 12 de junio de 1921 en la Legación de México en la ciudad de Kobe - Japón. Sus padres eran diplomáticos mexicanos.
Su inclinación a la investigación científica se inició cuando aún asistía a la escuela primaria y por las tardes su padre comenzó a llevarlo a sus clases de la Universidad, presentándolo a pensadores como Antonio Caso, José Vasconcelos y Alfonso Reyes.
Estudió Filosofía y Economía y se tituló como Doctor en Filosofía y Letras además de interesarse en las ciencias aplicadas. En la Tribuna Libre de México inició otra de sus dimensiones como orador en la que dictó más de 7000 conferencias y cursos a lo largo de su vida.
El 3 de diciembre de 1953, conoce la obra del Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière a la que consagra el resto de su vida y de quien llegó a ser el discípulo predilecto.
En 1970 inauguró la UNINT, el Área Universitaria de la Fundación Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière, en Lima, Perú. En 1975 fundó la Fundación INVESCIENCIAS, Instituto de Investigaciones y Aplicaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas. En 1977 creó la Fundación ELIC, Escuelas Libres de Investigación Científica para Niños conjuntamente con su discípula, la Contadora María Nilda Cerf Arbulú.
El 17 de agosto 1988 fundó en Caracas el Bureau Centralizador Mundial de la Fundación FISS Central Científica, Federación Internacional de Sociedades Científicas.
Al igual que el Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière, unió también la Ciencia y el Arte. En 1990 estrenó, el 14 de octubre, su Sinfonía Oriente y Occidente en el Gran Teatro Teresa Carreño en Caracas (Venezuela) . Entre 1991 y 1992 promovió eventos como el Primer Congreso Mundial de Juventudes Científicas (en Puerto Rico) y el Congreso Latinoamericano de Escritores (en Rep. Dominicana).
Se destacó en la traducción y ediciones al idioma español de las 100 obras que escribió el Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière en su idioma materno, el francés. En una comunicación epistolar de siete años consecutivos entre ellos dos. A través de su obra exegética, entre sus numerosas obras escritas y más de 10.000 horas de conferencias y disertaciones grabadas, destacan: "Teoría Científica de la Cosmobiología"; "Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière, Su Pensamiento Primordial: Yo realicé a Dios a través de las Matemáticas"; "Génesis y Humanismo de las Culturas Americanas"; "Ven enfermo come la vida y la salud" además de numerosos artículos y obras inéditas que se habrán de publicar. El 22 de octubre de 1992 tuvo lugar su deceso en Caracas (Venezuela).
Unió la Ciencia con el Arte, con la Filosofía y con la Didáctica para construir un mundo unido por el Saber.
" El resurgimiento de las matemáticas nos presenta un nuevo factor que impulsa nuestra sociedad, a la ciencia y que implica abolir el abismo que existe, por una parte, entre el hombre de ciencia dedicado a su especialidad y, por la otra parte, el gran público, que a falta de explicaciones vive sumido en la ignorancia y mira a la ciencia lleno de temor supersticioso y, al mismo tiempo, desea que produzca los objetos y los remedios milagrosos que cierto tipo de prensa de grandes tirajes le ha enseñado a esperar de ella, y no sólo a esperar, sino a considerar como el resultado inevitable de sus investigaciones".
Yo realicé a Dios a través de las matemáticas. Obra presentada rectoralmente a la UNESCO para su bibliografía. (Página 199).
Doctor Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière
He was born in Paris, France on January 18th, 1916. At the age of 12, he is awarded the “Ernest Rousille” award as Europe's best student. At the age of 14, he begins his university studies and immersed in it by its specific nature. In 1935, he obtains the title of Mining Engineer in Brussels. He later obtains doctorates in diverse subjects such as in Medicine, Sciences, Psychology and Theology, Philosophy and Biology.
On February 18th, 1947, he establishes the International Group of Cosmobiology.
He also excels in Art as a painter who shows in each one of his pieces, a simultaneous set of diverse interconnected meanings, for a time where values imply both a synthesis and at the same time a syntagma. He has been declared by art critics as an incomparable painter.
Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière tirelessly travels the five continents, visiting 43 countries and giving more than 2500 lectures, establishing his high ideals of Science, Art, Philosophy and Didactics for the birth of a new humanity.
He establishes the headquarters of the International Federation of Scientific Societies (FISS) in Club l’Artistique, a famous art center of the fifties in Nice, France in accordance with his transcendental approach ahead of his time; the union of Science and Art in an epistemology of life, for a greater understanding.
On December 27 1962, Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière passes away, leaving behind an outline of his Worldwide Institution. His beloved disciple Dr. David Juan Ferriz Olivares continues his legacy in Science in its no-limit sense through the various Foundations inspired in his thought such as: the INVESCIENCIAS Foundation, the ELIC Foundation as well as the Association for the Preservation of Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière’s Work in Europe (with its headquarters in Nice, France).
The great contributions of these foundations have represented for thousands of people all over America, Europe and other continents, a fundamental change in their lives, ranging from Nutrition, Psychophysical Culture, to the foundations’ advanced approaches, using the four pillars of Knowing, benefitting families, children, the Thinking man, artists, and all of humanity in general. His Thought was maintained and thoroughly explained thanks to his exegete Dr. David Juan Ferriz Olivares, who was highly educated scientifically, academically and spiritually.
“In conclusion, perspectives of a new science clearly emerge within industry, agriculture and biological research and in the near future, we may expect to see a new form of general education. This makes us return to philosophical reflection, because any new scientific information raises, in principle, a new problem on the vital considerations."
Towards an Age of Peace, Psychological Talks Vol. I, Tomes I through VI, Page 151
Doctor David Juan Ferriz Olivares
He was born on June 12, 1921 in the Mexican diplomatic legation in Kobe, Japan. His parents were Mexican diplomats. He himself said, “I am a South American of a Mexican cradle born in Japan.” He lived in Japan until he was 6 years old, where he could appreciate the ancestral Knowing that characterizes these people. At the age of three he began to learn music with a xylophone-like Japanese instrument.
He lived in San Francisco, USA, for two years and then arrived to Mexico where he precociously came in contact with the literature and philosophy that would mark for the rest of his life, his musical creativity and his apostleship of thought. His inclination towards scientific research as well began around this age. He attended primary school during the day and in the evenings his father began to take him to his afternoon university classes, introducing him to thinkers such as Antonio Caso, José Vasconcelo and Alfonso Reyes. He was educated in different centers of different nationalities, such as the National School of Mexico, the San Borja French School, the American School and the Hebrew School.
He studied Philosophy and Economics and maintained an interest in applied sciences. He graduated as a Doctor in Philosophy and Letters. It was also in the Open Forum of Mexico where he began to give new dimensions to his oratory skills, giving more than 7000 lectures and courses throughout his life.
On December 3rd, 1953, he learns about the works of Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière to which he dedicated the rest of his life to and became his favourite disciple, his prologist-translator and coordinator of literature, qualifying him as an Apostle of Knowing. They maintained in constant communication, with 2 letters a week for 7 years, something which historically is practically without precedence. He stayed for long periods of time in New York, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela, undergoing constant and lengthy trips throughout America, Europe, Australia and the world in general.
In 1970, he inaugurated the UNINT, the university component of the Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière Foundation, in Lima, Peru. In 1973 he was recognized as Master of Universal Culture by the National Institute of Culture of Peru. In 1975, he founded the INVESCIENCIAS Foundation (Institute of Scientific and Technological Research and Applications). In 1977, he created the ELIC Foundation (Free Schools of Scientific Investigation for Children) with his disciple, Acct. María Nilda Cerf Arbulú. In addition to his Japanese and Mexican nationalities, he became Venezuelan. In the month of October, 1979 he travelled to Europe on an official mission of the National Council of Culture of Venezuela.
In 1981 he travelled once more to Europe to attend the Declaration of the Monument to Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière in Nice, as the Glory of France. His speech in Nice was memorable, given in the Mediterranean University Centre (established by Paul Valery) and becoming the first Latin American to speak at the lectern of this dignified auditorium.
In 1985 he was promoted to Councillor of the Latin American Federation of Writers, with its headquarters in Caracas. At the end of 1985 he travelled around the world where he stayed in Japan, Hawaii, Australia, Singapore and Nice. On February 25th, 1988 he received the Order of Work Merit, awarded to him by the Venezuelan Government. On August 17th, 1988 he established the World Centralized Bureau of the FISS Foundation (International Federation of Scientific Societies) in Caracas.
On October 14th, 1990 was the grand opening of his great “East and West” Symphony in the Great Teresa Careno Theater, Caracas, Venezuela. Four days later, from October 18th to November 12th he established the true World Cultural Institution, Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière, following Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière’s indications due to the deformations that reached his work. He began a two-year prodigious tour (from 1991 to 1992) throughout America and Europe in which he legally consolidated Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière’s work and promoted events such as the First World Congress of Scientific Youth in Puerto Rico, and the Latin American Writers Congress in Dominican Republic.
Dr. David Juan Ferriz Olivares passed away on October 22nd, 1992 in Caracas, Venezuela. Amongst his numerous literary works and more than 10,000 hours of lectures and recorded dissertations, stand out: “Scientific Theory of Cosmobiology”; “Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière, His Primordial Thought: I Realized God through Mathematics”; “Genesis and Humanism of American Cultures”; “Come sick and eat life”; in addition to numerous articles and unedited works yet to be published.
He united Science, Art, Philosophy and Didactics to build a world united by Knowing.
He excelled in translating and editing the 100 works of Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière from French to Spanish. The two of them remained in epistolary communication for seven years. His exegesis works included numerous written books, and more than 10,000 hours of lectures and recorded dissertations. Among his works stand out: “Scientific Theory of Cosmobiology”; “Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière, His Primordial Thought: I Realized God through Mathematics”; “Genesis and Humanism of American Cultures”; “Come Sick, Eat Life and Health”; in addition to numerous articles and unedited works yet to be published. Dr. David Juan Ferriz Olivares passed away on October 22nd, 1992 in Caracas, Venezuela.
“The revival of mathematics presents us with a new factor that impels our society towards science and implies abolishing the abyss that exists, on one side, we have the man of science dedicated to his specialty and on the other side, the great public that due to a lack of explanation lives absorbed in ignorance and looks at science full of superstitious fear. At the same time the great public wishes for science to produce the objects and the miraculous remedies that a certain type of newspaper of great production has taught them to expect from it, but not only expect, but to consider it as the inevitable result of their research”.
I realized God through Mathematics (Page 199). Work presented to UNESCO by Peruvian Universities, to form part of UNESCO’s bibliography.